"Public Offer Agreement" - a public agreement, a sample of which is posted on the website
https://hozerpack.com/en and the application of which is mandatory for all Sellers, containing the Seller's offer to purchase the Product, the image of which is posted on the Website
https://hozerpack.com/enaddressed to an undefined circle of persons, including Buyers.
"Acceptance" - acceptance by the Buyer of the seller's offer to purchase the Product, the image of which is posted on the website
https://hozerpack.com/en by adding it to the virtual basket and sending the Order.
"Goods" - an item of trade (product, model, accessory, components and accompanying items, any other items of trade), the purchase of which is offered by the seller on the website
"Buyer" - any legally competent natural person, legal entity, individual entrepreneur, in accordance with current international and Ukrainian legislation, who visited the website
https://hozerpack.com/en and intends to purchase one or another Product.
"Seller" is any legally competent natural person, legal entity, individual entrepreneur, in accordance with current international and Ukrainian legislation, who are the owners or distributors of the Goods and intends to sell them using the website
"Order" - duly executed and posted on the website
https://hozerpack.com/en the Buyer's application for the purchase of Goods, addressed to the seller.
"Legislation" - norms established by Ukrainian or international legislation to regulate contractual relations under the Agreement.
"Significant defect of the Product" - a defect that makes it impossible or inadmissible to use the Product in accordance with its intended purpose, was caused by the manufacturer's (Seller's) fault, and after its elimination appears again for reasons beyond the control of the consumer.